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Status Updates posted by deecando

  1. After my ankles gave way traveling through Manhattan special thanks for Meeta Roy for making me comfortable and buying me coffee and to my prince in shining armor, Stuart Gardner for going out of his way to pick me up in Hoboken!

  2. Cheerios has come out with a a Dark Chocolate, Multigran, Non GMO version - GRAND SLAM HOME RUN!

  3. Grandma's Matzo Ball Soup on the stove (OK so not my Grandma but someone along the line I am sure) - perfect day for it!

  4. Hey Brady - once again a Manning has eliminated your chance of getting another Superbowl ring.

  5. I lost my voice - if anyone finds it please return it to it's rightful owner.

  6. Just for Larry Jones --- It's snowing!

  7. Musician and teacher friends I have a question. My voice is still gone though I do have some. I have to do a one hour webinar on Tuesday so essentially I need to speak for an hour straight. Anything I can do to defer the laryngitis for an hour?

  8. My photo just won a 'Best of the Day' award on Pixoto.com! http://www.pixoto.com/awards/5964105630351360

  9. My photo just won a 'Best of the Day' award on Pixoto.com! http://www.pixoto.com/awards/6682916725719040

  10. New record: Out of bed, showered, hair dried, and dressed in 10 minutes flat --- to cold to fool around!

  11. OK, I've seen thunder and lightning before, I've seen snow before, but until 30 minutes ago I had never seen thunder/lightning and snow all at once. FREAKY!

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