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Everything posted by Glycereine

  1. Glycereine


    5maurice - 1228 Glycereine - 1108 plainglazed - 972 Maquis - 747 Cherry Lane - 532 araver - 521 Vineetrika - 515 Izzy - 386 Unreality - 289 dawh - 265 quag - 255 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 116 JarZe - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 curr3nt - 30 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 Panther - 5 young scientist - 5 Wombat Breath - 5
  2. Glycereine


    _ V E _ _ AMBER-0 KITTY-0 RAISE-0 APPLE-0 BRAIN-0 COUCH-0 ZEBRA-0 AVERT-2 CRETE-1 SPENT-1 GRAIL-1 UMBRA-1 SPEAR-2 EVENS-2 UVEAL-5!! +5 WombatBreath +15 Maurice +10 Quag +14 Glycereine
  3. Glycereine


    _ V E _ _ AMBER-0 KITTY-0 RAISE-0 APPLE-0 BRAIN-0 COUCH-0 ZEBRA-0 AVERT-2 CRETE-1 SPENT-1 GRAIL-1 +5 WombatBreath +5 Maurice yah no proper nouns, but to be honest it doesn't really matter that's why i scored it. THE word can't be a proper noun but I don't care if guesses are to help eliminate.
  4. Glycereine


    _ _ E _ _ AMBER-0 KITTY-0 RAISE-0 APPLE-0 BRAIN-0 COUCH-0 ZEBRA-0 AVERT-2 CRETE-1 (that's a non-proper noun word?) +5 WombatBreath
  5. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    not sure why they didn't use it as a defense to be honest. My first thought is this. araver was a baddie. Slick was a baddie. The rest of the baddies are relatively new players... Anyways good luck tonight all I don't have much for suggestions. *shrug*
  6. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    fairly standard tactic (assuming it wont be much longer since we dont believe it anymore) to avert suspicion
  7. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    curr3nt that makes absolutely no sense. We didn't lynch slick because any of think he's a baddie. I applied pressure and he didn't say anything. He gave me no reason to change my vote.
  8. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    if slick is ike he was going to die regarless, araver switched to hirk not slick.
  9. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    yeah I honestly just wanted to hear from him which is why I said no more than 3 votes... and I was here waiting to change mine. But he didn't give me a reason to
  10. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    curr3nt you're questioning things a little too much... paranoia goes with the game, but you've accused too many people for them all to be baddies now :-p. I hate to say it but even is slick is a goodie he's not doing us any good with the little information he was willing to share (read: NONE). I'd definitely rather lynch him than a cooperative goodie expecially since there is a valid reasoning for him to be suspicious.
  11. Glycereine


  12. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    @slick: I'm not sure why you get upset because there are votes on you ><. But as MM said that wasn't a defense at all.
  13. Glycereine


    AMBER-0 KITTY-0 RAISE-0 APPLE-0 BRAIN-0 COUCH-0 I feel like I picked a good one
  14. Glycereine


  15. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    @ vine, young and EDM. please vote. I know it seems pointless at times without knowledge but no voting makes you seem more suspicious than a vote later validated as misinformed... I agree we wont hear from slick for a couple hours but only two votes isn't enough to pressure him to talk. I would like to see three people on him who have the ability to change their votes during the day if needed (I will be on periodically until the day is over).
  16. Glycereine

    Tombstone Mafia

    two things. first our votes are too spread out unless we're going for a tie to see if Ike is alive (not recommneded today) Second we could use a little more pressure to get slick talking. he has the majority right now but not with any conviction (2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1) @OT: I should hope I'm not really making your radar as a potentially baddie by calling out the people who wrecked the plan to go for ike, and pressuring someone who appears to be a likely ike from night 1 post...
  17. Glycereine


  18. Glycereine


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