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Imagine a room with the dimensions of 6.9m by 14.2m. The ceiling is 6m high. There are two windows with dimensions of 2m by 2.2m.

Imagine you are in the exact centre of the room and then imagine that there are eight men all with guns pointing at you.

Imagine you go on and play a game of Russian Roullete. Imagine you are told that one of the eight guns has a bullet, whilst the other seven have blanks. Imagine a second person comes and joins you in the middle. You have to now pick which gun shoots at you and then the second person does the same thing. Whoever gets shot with the live bullet dies, as you would expect.

But there is a TWIST. IF the person to be shot at believes the gun has a live bullet he can forfeit. In forfeiting the game the person has to give all their possesions (family, house, job etc) to the other person.

You have to decide who goes first.

a) Should you go first or second.

b) Is there a logical method of working out which one has the bullet

c) How can you GUARANTEE that you walk away with everything.

Clue: The answer is obvious when you think about the setup clearly.

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Well, you should go first because then you have a 7/8 chance of surviving the first turn, compared to the 6/7 chance you would get if you went second.

This riddle is really hard. I can't possibly think of a way to garuntee an all-win. :huh:

But then again, hard riddles are fun. Nice Job! :D

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This riddle is really hard. I can't possibly think of a way to garuntee an all-win. :huh:

But then again, hard riddles are fun. Nice Job! :D

Well, you should go first because then you have a 7/8 chance of surviving the first turn, compared to the 6/7 chance you would get if you went second.

Nope, look at how it is written - its the best way of working it out

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I was told that there are 7 blanks and 1 live bullet. Then the second person comes into the room and joins. So he doesn't know that there are 7 blanks(?). Then I can lie to him and tell him that all 8 of them have bullets.


Sorry. That was pathetic.

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Sorry. That was pathetic.

I was told that there are 7 blanks and 1 live bullet. Then the second person comes into the room and joins. So he doesn't know that there are 7 blanks(?). Then I can lie to him and tell him that all 8 of them have bullets.

Nope i should of said, the second person is told the same things as you.

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Other guy chooses: if he is wrong you know that the other 7 are safe. If he is right then you know which one is safe so you choose the same on.

Sorry, should of said again that each gun can only be fired ONCE.

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you can IMAGINE that the guns were see through and you would be able to see the bullet

Nope, but i did say imagine a bit too much didn't I... Remember it is how it is written

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Wow - the answer just came to me!

I am IMAGINING this room with all the people with guns, therefore it is easy for me to IMAGINE whatever I want the outcome to be - therefore it doesn't matter if I go first, I just IMAGINE that I don't get shot, and then i IMAGINE which one has the bullet, and I IMAGINE the second guy forefeiting, and therefore I IMAGINE I walk away alive and with all his stuff

:) TaDaaaaaaaaa! :)

LOL - ok I had only read page 1 when I posted - then spotted inall1s reply above afterwards.

Edited by Confuzzled
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I would imagine the whole scenario playing out with me going first and picking a blank. The other person goes and picks a blank. We conitue until I pick the seventh and final blank. Then the other person knows the gun has a live bullet and forfiets.

I would imagine myself outside of the room

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I would imagine myself outside of the room

I would imagine the whole scenario playing out with me going first and picking a blank. The other person goes and picks a blank. We conitue until I pick the seventh and final blank. Then the other person knows the gun has a live bullet and forfiets.

The answer is not involving the word "Imagine"

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Imagine a room with the dimensions of 6.9m by 14.2m. The ceiling is 6m high. There are two windows with dimensions of 2m by 2.2m.

Imagine you are in the exact centre of the room and then imagine that there are eight men all with guns pointing at you.

Imagine you go on and play a game of Russian Roullete. Imagine you are told that one of the eight guns has a bullet, whilst the other seven have blanks. Imagine a second person comes and joins you in the middle. You have to now pick which gun shoots at you and then the second person does the same thing. Whoever gets shot with the live bullet dies, as you would expect.

But there is a TWIST. IF the person to be shot at believes the gun has a live bullet he can forfeit. In forfeiting the game the person has to give all their possesions (family, house, job etc) to the other person.

You have to decide who goes first.

a) Should you go first or second.

b) Is there a logical method of working out which one has the bullet

c) How can you GUARANTEE that you walk away with everything.

Clue: The answer is obvious when you think about the setup clearly.

Choose to go second and then selct the same gun the person going first has selected, This way, either the person going first gets shot and you win or he loses his nerve and you win again.

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How about if the second person who joins you is your spouse, then whoever goes first just forfeits.

"It's uter-us, Marge, not uter-you." -- Homer Simpson

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Choose to go second and then selct the same gun the person going first has selected, This way, either the person going first gets shot and you win or he loses his nerve and you win again.

Go second, the first person already played. It says "you go on to play" then the second person comes in.

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Right to clear things up:

1. Each gun can only be fired once

2. The room does have a door - and the second person comes in after the rules have been said to you

3. The guarantee is dependent on whether you go first or second

And a clue

It is a sneaky trick that can be used to guarentee you win everything

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you go first. the other person is standing in the middle with you. The gunmen are standing in a circle around you. You go first and pick the gun that puts the second person between you and the gun. that way if you chose the gun with the bullet it hits the other person.???????????????????

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How about if the second person who joins you is your spouse, then whoever goes first just forfeits.

Thats a nice thought, though I'm not sure thats what he meant.

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