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White and red, what do you think?

Put them together and they make pink.

Or maybe something on Christmas day,

but don't look at this in a religious way.

In fact, don't think of anything where colors show true,

because with me, the inside shows through.

The effects of my heart can visibly be seen,

that's why my one color is never brown nor green.

Sometimes it strays to a purple or blue,

but red's the most comon thing that shows through.

Where ever I go, everyone stares,

because they've never seen any thing quite as fair.

But then they meet my fire, face to face,

and there goes my personal space!

They ask me questions I don't know answers to,

and after every one I think, "I should be asking you!"

But as my red fire meets someone's blue sky,

I ask myself, "who am I?"

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14 answers to this question

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Welcome to the Den. Good verse here, i like it~!


Why thank you! Glad to see someone liked it. No, it's not Heart, but good guess, though.

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Why thank you! Glad to see someone liked it. No, it's not Heart, but good guess, though.

You are Welcome

In my haste I missed the heat was in the riddle. After a re-read...

you are a - sunburn

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roses? I can't make it fit the last few lines but I think I've seen many different colored roses at the flower shop but don't recall seeing brown or green.

Nope. What I ment with the brown or green part was her eyes. And although she'd probably have red eyes, purple and blue are possible.

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You are Welcome

In my haste I missed the heat was in the riddle. After a re-read...

you are a - sunburn

Interesting, but I've never seen a purple or blue sunburn!

p.s. you left out an R in Heart.

Edited by txmom2
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Nope. What I ment with the brown or green part was her eyes. And although she'd probably have red eyes, purple and blue are possible.

I don't think any color but red is possible in albinism, I could be wrong, though.

Edited by lotus
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I don't think any color but red is possible in albinism, I could be wrong, though.

I found this on Wikipedia:

The eyes of an animal with albinism occasionally appear red due to the underlying retinal blood vessels showing through where there is not enough pigment to cover them. In humans this is rarely the case, as a human eye is quite large and thus produces enough pigment to lend opacity to the eye, often colouring the iris pale blue. However, there are cases in which the eyes of an albinistic person appear red or purple, depending on the amount of pigment present.

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Very cool riddle! Way to go PG for cracking it! Nice to see you did your homework, TXMOM2. Puts all useless debates to rest! (not saying your comment was useless, Lotus! You know I love you!) Overall, great job!!!

And P.S. Welcome to the Den! I have a feeling you will bring a lot of fun with you!

Edited by deannaart
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