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Recently I was looking through books at Barnes and Noble, and I found a Hints and Tips book for a game called PQ. I looked up the game and found that it stands for Practical Intelligence Quotient. Later that that day I bought it from Gamestop. After playing only a few levels, I found a VERY challenging game to the human mind. Intrigued by this unexpected gift, I Google searched "brain games", and sure enough there is another game called Brain Age. This game challenges your mind, but gives your brain an age,(ie: an itellegent brain is high 20's to mid 30's, an average brain is mid 50's).

Now, having stated this, I believe that the next generation of puzzles and riddles will not be in larger books or larger words, but it will be found in technology.

How do you feel about this? Do you think I am right? Or do you think bigger books and larger words will advance the intellectual challenges we love?

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I think video games have some applications that regular paper and pencil just don't have. Video games allow for different areas of your brain to be activated as they are different types of puzzles. Puzzles in video games aren't necissarily harder, they just use different types of logic. Take The Mystery of Time and Space. It's a different kind of puzzle than those of paper and pencil.

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Every individual should have their own choice on what and how they want to do puzzles etc. That is good, to have an option. If anything were to interfere with my daily routine of stuff, I may get upset. Diversity is everything. lol I was a game-lover a long time ago and now those puzzle games are all I will do now. i.e. Your in a room and have to find things and click on them. That is amusing. Uh oh, it's crossword time! Gotta split. peace out.

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