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:blink: I'm full of stench,

perhaps from a swamp,

just take a deep breath and

you'll not want to chomp.

Deadly am I, it is sure to see,

I have been controlled, still

don't go near me.

Magotts and flesh rotting ,

fill the air.

The damage I cause,

is too harmful too bare. :P

What am I? Only one word and please use the spoilers. :D

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I'm full of stench, (bad smell)

perhaps from a swamp, (dont know)

just take a deep breath and

you'll not want to chomp.(bad smell from decay)

Deadly am I, it is sure to see,(mouldy/past exiry date, bad for health if you eat)

I have been controlled, still

don't go near me.(garbage-bins/tips)

Magotts and flesh rotting ,

fill the air.(attracts pests)

The damage I cause,

is too harmful too bare.(bad for the environment. Needs to degrade over years at rubbish tip)

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GarbageI'm full of stench, (bad smell)perhaps from a swamp, (dont know)just take a deep breath and you'll not want to chomp.(bad smell from decay)Deadly am I, it is sure to see,(mouldy/past exiry date, bad for health if you eat)I have been controlled, still don't go near me.(garbage-bins/tips)Magotts and flesh rotting ,fill the air.(attracts pests)The damage I cause, is too harmful too bare.(bad for the environment. Needs to degrade over years at rubbish tip)
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My senses tell me the answer for this is difficult....

I got everything everybody else said, except for the rat and the bacteria ones.

Edited by SillouhetteMind
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