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I looked around btu didtn see a president for this kind of topic so I made a poll. It's pubic so we can see who said what. I just wanted to start by saying I love my country very much. Between my grandfather and my uncles, my family has weathered three wars with the enemies of justice and democracy. I'm proud of what they've done, but this topic isn't about our armed forces it's about what they're protecting from terrorism and atheism and communism and all that stuff - America.

I know this is a forum for smart people, people with traditional, correct values and good families, so I don't know how many infidels we can draw out of hiding, but I imagine it'll be like goose hunting in my grandpa's property - we'll have to be still maybe to tender up those liberals and get them feeling okay to talk. So what do you say?

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ljayden, im not saying scare people into christianity. im saying scare them OUT of atheism and stuff. we all know you can be scared into something (war, buying something, whatever), but super effective scare tactics scare a person OUT of something. it's not as if we're being particularly hostile... we're just stating things that are already known (like, "murderers go to hell" might scare someone out of killing someone), and if it scares them enough, they'll rethink their decisions and so be it!

ljayden/hambone, god has favorites, get over it. why else would he only show himself to a select elite and let other people die and be born in places like haiti and other places that aren't america? god only gives people as much as they cna handle, but killing them in the process shows he loves people alive more. i'm going to heaven the same as the poor kid that died in haiti, but i get to carry out god's mission on earth first because he trusts me with this and didnt with the kid in haiti. im not saying he "loves" me more per se, but he values me more because he has more things for me to do.

im not syaing if the think we're better that the world will be better. im saying if everyone listens to me (or the pope!!!!!), the world will be better, because we have god's valeus at heart and will sacrifice ourselves for him (but not like the aztecs, cos they were like mexican and wtf who does that to someone) and for his cause!

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ljayden, im not saying scare people into christianity. im saying scare them OUT of atheism and stuff. we all know you can be scared into something (war, buying something, whatever), but super effective scare tactics scare a person OUT of something. it's not as if we're being particularly hostile... we're just stating things that are already known (like, "murderers go to hell" might scare someone out of killing someone), and if it scares them enough, they'll rethink their decisions and so be it!

ljayden/hambone, god has favorites, get over it. why else would he only show himself to a select elite and let other people die and be born in places like haiti and other places that aren't america? god only gives people as much as they cna handle, but killing them in the process shows he loves people alive more. i'm going to heaven the same as the poor kid that died in haiti, but i get to carry out god's mission on earth first because he trusts me with this and didnt with the kid in haiti. im not saying he "loves" me more per se, but he values me more because he has more things for me to do.

im not syaing if the think we're better that the world will be better. im saying if everyone listens to me (or the pope!!!!!), the world will be better, because we have god's valeus at heart and will sacrifice ourselves for him (but not like the aztecs, cos they were like mexican and wtf who does that to someone) and for his cause!

ah, but see, not everyone believes in heaven and hell, some don't believe in any afterlife. the threat would be useless. if you want to try and scare em out of it, eh, again, it doesn't really work religionwise, they'll mark it as bad propaganda and ignore or just plain get ticked off at Christians as a whole...not what God's aiming for

the Bible itself points out how bad favoritism is, Old and New T. have a Bible? look up verses like Leviticus 19:15, ans especially Acts 10:34. there are more verses as well: God does not show favoritism, and people dying does not prove his loving them less. heck, if an orphan your age was living on the streets in some gang-ruled dirty city somewhere, it's not because God loves him less, for all we know, it's because God knows the kid can handle it better than you. if i die early on in life, i would be able to rest assured that God still loves me no more than he does the atheists and no less than you.

you think that Americans are better (at least that's what you've said in the past), if everyone thought that... :dry:

and whaaat the heck, i'm a mexican-native american, born in Canada, eh, and that doesn't make me exempt from being able to give myself to God's causes. no one on this earth is exempt.

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G&USA&C, you are trying to force people into your way of thinking. This is against our freedom of opinion. If you are right and god shows favoritism, you shouldn't support America. Make up your mind. Religion or patriotism. If you choose religion, get off of this thread so we can discuss what the topic is supposed to be about. America.

I was born in america, but I am of mixed race. I am 25% French, 25% Russian, 25% Polish, and I'm not sure about the other 25%. America started as a great country, but now, it's lost its glory. I can honestly say that I would like to move to Iceland.

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i am violating none of your rights blahblah. im not FORCING my opinions upon you, i am presetning them and you are taking them as you will. why shouldnt i support america if god obviously favors it so much?

happy birthday to the best country in the world :D

why cant i be religious and patriotic? the two come together. read our pledge. our declaration. our money. ONE NATION, UNDER GOD. We are the ONE nation, UNDER GOD. politicians get it. kids online dont. funnnnny.

down the line, my great-great-great (add some greats) grandparents came over here as pilgrams. why? because england was a terrible country, and god gave them manifest destiny and the mandate of heaven to take over america, make it a better place, and spawn a nation of good god-loving people.

if god loves atheists, why do they go to hell? because they disobey him? children disobey parents, but parents still love him, that doesnt mean they get eternal punishment, just a grounding. if god was all loving (omniphilic?)he wouldnt send people to hell. so he isnt. duh.

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How do you know atheists go to hell? Have you been there? Why do you think god favors America? America is far from the smallest country in the world, so, by your argument, he shouldn't favor america. Did god tell you that he favors america? Did he tell you that atheists go to hell? I have my own beliefs about death. If you want to believe you've had a message from god, learn to lucid dream.

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:duh::duh::duh: G,C&US... YOU just don't get it. Your good works mean nothing to God. The Word even say's they are like filthy rags to him. By the way someone who commits murder can go to heaven remember the thief on the cross next to Jesus was a murderer. He repented. Now in heaven. The Pope is NOT the way to heaven. He is just a man. There is only one way to Heaven. That is by Jesus, PERIOD. You don't scare anyone into believing anything, you live and show them by example. Your not doing a very good job. :(
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TJ, with all his flaws, set this country on course. Without the legacy of his words, this country might be a very different place.

You guys have discussed things in this thread that TJ addressed in the Declaration of Independence. Perhaps a careful revisit of his words might bring together the polarized sides in some of the debate here. That's the magic of that founding document.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

In a world full of competent people with highly diverse points of view, you don't leap off into some radical new model for government without respecting and honoring your opposition. Offer them your most impassioned arguments, but be prepared to honestly consider their impassioned response.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ..."

Your opposition is fully your equal, and not to be dismissed without respectful regard.

"... that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. [frog in the frying pan analogy]"

There comes a time when change is appropriate. And the design of our elective government is full of opportunities to actualize peaceful change. That is its genius. But the process fundamentally depends on a sacred covenant among the citizens - that we all respect our opposition and their points of view - a respect that is so deep-seated in our souls that we are willing to accept the circumstance that may put our opposition in power, and that we trust them sufficiently to respect our point of view, so that we choose not to abandon this intrinsic covenant that sits at the very core of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Edited by seeksit
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OKAY FIRST OF ALL I THINK STARNSSTRIPES IS ONEHUNDRED PROCENT RITE. Atheists and liberals and communists and all those other UNPATRIOTIC AMERICA HATERS are DOOMING our country*. WE are the best in the world, and because all these other stupid countries exist (Iraq, Ahghanistan, China, etc.) we are wasting OUR money and OUR efforts in communicating with and fighitng the enemy*. JESUS WAS WHITE, so ALL YOU OTHER PEOPLE NEED TO GO AWAY, BECAUSE this is OUR country*. The mexicans and blacks and orientals and stuff, ARE HERE TO WORK FOR US*. God made us in HIS image, the other people just came because bad people had sex with monkeys. (Dont believe me? Then why do blasck people look like monkeys.*) PLUS, all the other countries are dumb. WHy else dont they speak English? and Great Britian is wrong* because they worship their queen and not OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. as you can see, i have just conclusively proved why THE USA IS NUMBER ONE*, so people like Izzy and Dawh need to leave the country because they're tratiors*. Or, if they dont live IN THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD*, they need to stay far away because we dont need people that oppose us because that will lead to harm for them. also, if we're not the best, why do the mexiocans keep illegally coming here?

GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU WHO AGREE WITH ME, and the others, may God have mercy on your soul.


Back to the beginning. Follow the footnotes.

* How so? America is a land of diversity. If you're unpatriotic, it doesn't mean that you're a bad person. I am absolutely repulsed by how america is being run, but I still contribute to the community. Please explain.

* This is the only thing you have posted that I agree with.

* Umm...? I repeat. America is a land of diversity.

* See the red and green footnotes. Not repeating it again. The Mexicans Blacks and Orientals are here because they want to be here.

* Why do they look like monkeys? I have an explanation. Humans and monkeys are primates. We look very similar. If you put fur on a human, we'd look like apes (at a stretch). Blacks have darker skin which matches the color of fur more than white. Why do they have dark skin? A combination of genetics and sunlight. Read the red green and yellow footnotes.

* You've touched the reason and don't even know it. Great Britan. Americans were from England originaly and (see red green and yellow footnotes.) They don't speak english because they were not brought up in an english speaking country. Most people learn english as a second language.

I'm running out of colors :excl:

* Glad to see you're proud to be an american. Not everybody is. Have you ever seen H.M.S. Pinafore? Scene two has a very famous song that I think you'll like. It's all about patriotism. British patriotism. How is america the best? We get into wars for no reason, we pass laws that hurt more than help and we invade countries under the pretext of "helping" them when they don't want help. In my honest opinion, Iceland is the best country in the world. I may move there some day (if only I didn't have to learn Icelandic :wub: ).

* I guess I'm a traitor too? How are we traitors? As I have previously stated, I contribute to the community hoping that america can turn around. I have not harmed america in any way. I try to help it.

* You mean Iceland? :rolleyes:

America is a land of diversity.

Edited by Blablah99
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Wow. Are you a troll? Cocky and arrogant much?

You get a feeling of deep pleasure and satisfaction from.. a random chance of birth you had NO control over? Why are you proud of your country? Based on the fact that they're "liberating" countries that want nothing to do with you? You do realize on an international level, America is a JOKE. For one of the wealthiest countries, you have one of the WORST health care systems. 1% of your country contains 90% of the wealth. This is hardly democracy. You've managed to elect an idiot like Dubya Bush, TWICE. Companies give an average of ten days vacation to their employees and this includes sick days. How the hell will people relax? You refuse to change, and "go green" a lot slower than the rest of the world. And the biggest problem? Idiots like YOU miss what America is about in the first place. It's about FREEDOM. Hunting atheists? Getting the liberals? Are you fecking 12 or just some moron watching way too much Fox news? Jesus Christ dude. Chill out. FREEDOM means those wars you're fighting are to protect ATHEISTS, LIBERALS, and other people that have different ideals than you. If you disagree with this, GTFO, because you aren't representing American epitomes, you're some right-winged batcrap crazy conservative unwilling to change because... you're basing your "traditional" and "correct" values off of.. what? The Bible? Oh please. Separation of Church and State, brah. This forum will eat up a person like you. Go stone a homosexual.

*edit* Oh, Patriotism. All that gets you is some over zealous morons using their love for the country to justify whatever they want. No. Bad. We have laws because they need to be adhered to to keep order and peace.

You said "This is hardly democracy" SO you support socialism? That deprives the common man of the right to better oneself and one's life. If everyone was income-sharing, then no one would be living very well off. So, you want every person in the United States to show up to approve or disapprove a new law? Cram the entire population of the US in the Capitol? The people elect the officials, if they made a mistake, its their fault. True democracy is a great idea in theory, but horrible practically. Don't believe me? Look at China. Yeah, that turned out REALLY well.

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G&USA&C, you are trying to force people into your way of thinking. This is against our freedom of opinion. If you are right and god shows favoritism, you shouldn't support America. Make up your mind. Religion or patriotism. If you choose religion, get off of this thread so we can discuss what the topic is supposed to be about. America.

I was born in america, but I am of mixed race. I am 25% French, 25% Russian, 25% Polish, and I'm not sure about the other 25%. America started as a great country, but now, it's lost its glory. I can honestly say that I would like to move to Iceland.

He's not forcing anything on you. That's why there's polls at the top. You're taking this WAY too seriously.

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wow, spent some time reading all these threads. It hurts my heart to think it is so hard for people to just agree to disagree. Lot of pent up anger and resentment coming from what looks likes everyone. Lot of people in the world guys, not everyone is going to think or believe exactly the way you do or the way I do. You can't make people change how they believe until you show them a reason to believe another way. "I will hold to one set of ideals, until someone gives me a reason to hold to a different one" - Abraham Licoln. I promise, calling people names, labeling people, and flat out hateful words will get everyone nowhere. :(


DISCLAIMER: And no, I'm not trying to force Christianity on you. I actually believe in science as least as much as God.

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Just a reccomendation. We know that America has bad parts and good parts. But why should we just sit here, talking about it on a forum? Phone your senator, go to a protest, heck, run for president! "The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within.”

-Mahatma Ghandi

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i am violating none of your rights blahblah. im not FORCING my opinions upon you, i am presetning them and you are taking them as you will. why shouldnt i support america if god obviously favors it so much?

happy birthday to the best country in the world :D

why cant i be religious and patriotic? the two come together. read our pledge. our declaration. our money. ONE NATION, UNDER GOD. We are the ONE nation, UNDER GOD. politicians get it. kids online dont. funnnnny.

down the line, my great-great-great (add some greats) grandparents came over here as pilgrams. why? because england was a terrible country, and god gave them manifest destiny and the mandate of heaven to take over america, make it a better place, and spawn a nation of good god-loving people.

if god loves atheists, why do they go to hell? because they disobey him? children disobey parents, but parents still love him, that doesnt mean they get eternal punishment, just a grounding. if god was all loving (omniphilic?)he wouldnt send people to hell. so he isnt. duh.

Are people actually trying to argue with this? What's the point? I do agree that Jesus was white, with blonde hair and blue eyes. /end sarcasm

So, we have a couple Chinese exchange students staying with us. They were playing Monopoloy, and one of the Chinese students stole money from my niece. I called him a thief. He said, "Yes, I am a Socialist." Later, when my niece ran out of money, he said, "Now you want to become a Socialist!" Needless to say, he is a fan of capitalism.

Anyway...the OP doesn't make sense. American Patriotism is tied to the Constitution; it cannot be separated.

*cue Lee Greenwood* I'm proud to be an American. Doesn't mean I'm always proud of America. I'm Hawaiian/Chinese/Filipino/English/German/Welsh/etc...My kids are all that and half Russian. I grew up in Los Angeles, where diversity (and segregation - although usually at the minority's choice) is the norm. Anyway, I haven't experienced life in every other country, so I don't know if there is somewhere better. I'd never joyfully choose to live in a Middle Eastern country (except for Israel)...I didn't fully enjoy visiting Egypt because it's so oppressive. I am glad I didn't move to Russia when I was given the opportunity. I wouldn't move to Enlgand because they have bad teeth. There are several places I wouldn't mind moving to, but it's in spite of their politics. I'm very much a fan of the US as it was intended to be, and apparently so were my grandparents and great-grandparents, since they chose to leave their homes and come here. None of the immigrants I know are trying to go back to Mexico or South America or Africa or China or Korea or Cuba, etc. The ones from South Africa (but SA is just awesome), Israel and the UK don't seem to hold any resentments against their home countries. What's the difference?

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Are people actually trying to argue with this? What's the point? I do agree that Jesus was white, with blonde hair and blue eyes. /end sarcasm

So, we have a couple Chinese exchange students staying with us. They were playing Monopoloy, and one of the Chinese students stole money from my niece. I called him a thief. He said, "Yes, I am a Socialist." Later, when my niece ran out of money, he said, "Now you want to become a Socialist!" Needless to say, he is a fan of capitalism.

Anyway...the OP doesn't make sense. American Patriotism is tied to the Constitution; it cannot be separated.

*cue Lee Greenwood* I'm proud to be an American. Doesn't mean I'm always proud of America. I'm Hawaiian/Chinese/Filipino/English/German/Welsh/etc...My kids are all that and half Russian. I grew up in Los Angeles, where diversity (and segregation - although usually at the minority's choice) is the norm. Anyway, I haven't experienced life in every other country, so I don't know if there is somewhere better. I'd never joyfully choose to live in a Middle Eastern country (except for Israel)...I didn't fully enjoy visiting Egypt because it's so oppressive. I am glad I didn't move to Russia when I was given the opportunity. I wouldn't move to Enlgand because they have bad teeth. There are several places I wouldn't mind moving to, but it's in spite of their politics. I'm very much a fan of the US as it was intended to be, and apparently so were my grandparents and great-grandparents, since they chose to leave their homes and come here. None of the immigrants I know are trying to go back to Mexico or South America or Africa or China or Korea or Cuba, etc. The ones from South Africa (but SA is just awesome), Israel and the UK don't seem to hold any resentments against their home countries. What's the difference?

Well put: and here's the funny thing. Socialism benefits the people who are constantly at a loss for money, though this is often through their own laziness. It hurts the other people, taking away their money. Socialism is sort of an extreme forced charity. If the well-off just helped the needy, all would be fine!

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