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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. *Sighs* I'll cook the food, If you'll bring the wine...;P
  2. Haha...no, the "spurned lovers" was a theme...I wrote the lines to sound like something "spurned lovers" would say to the one who spurned them...I actually thought up the clues separately and then realized that it would be a good theme, that would allow me to put in certain hidden clues (like "you'll never come back" a revealing clue that hides nicely in a dialogue between a spurned lover and a spurner ) The "big picture" I refer to is the entire puzzle, which is what you have to look at to figure out the identity of the spurner, which is probably the best first step in solving the riddle...also I might have used "big picture" to refer to looking at the meanings of lines instead of focusing on individual keywords, which may obfuscate the matter...
  3. And I have no clue where to start for the other 2 lines: The rat wasn't with the farm. The next snake has some monkeys. Correct, it was a tight and highly contested dragon race in which some old men and women overstepped their bounds...but let's not get into an argument over politics ;P. Keep thinking on Humpty....
  4. Very close to what I was thinking...
  5. Wow, I like the way you think...but its not suppose to be that complicated...
  6. Yoruichi-san

    Umm...this seems familiar...
  7. Welcome, and thanks for adding the spoiler
  8. Okay, some of these replies are totally hilarious! But again, this is most emphatically *not* a sequence...the question is very specifically *not* "what comes next?", but *definitely* is "so what now?" *and* "what do these lines mean?"
  9. Yoruichi-san

    I enjoy Greek mythology, too...btw, Hade's wife is Persephone, who he abducted and then tricked into eating a pomegranate so that she had to stay in the underworld for half the year-which is why there is winter (according to the Greeks)! *sigh* and you thought you were desperate... ;P
  10. Randomness... Haha...that's awesome. But there is definitely method to *my* madness...;P Oh, and Humpty Dumpty is a nursery rhyme (try the all-knowing Wikipedia )
  11. Not a sequence...;P Interpret the lines.
  12. Oops, missed this post before, sorry...
  13. The rat wasn't with the farm. The dragon race was tight. The princess ran away on an ox. Humpty Dumpty's seat fell on a snake. The next snake has some monkeys. There was some panic over a rabbit. So what now? (and what do these lines mean?)
  14. No, it's not a set. The "so we've come together as a pack" is suppose to indicate that they normally don't come as a pack or a set... But I like how you're thinking...
  15. Okay, *fine* ;P Hopefully this will help some...but I'm not going to make this too easy for you guys, cuz I know how smart you guys are and how clever you can be when you try...so keep trying! ;P
  16. I'll add a 6th line if these hints just aren't doing it for you but not for a while Yeah, having math skills *definitely* can sink you into a bottomless pit that will suck up 4-10 years of your life...it's called "college" ;P As for the puzzle, I don't really know what a codebox does...(they didn't teach Codeboxes 101 at the "bottomless pit" I went to...)
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