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Everything posted by hugemonkey

  1. I see how you got that. It fits very well but it is not a compound word. sorry, not right but had to try... No need to apologize. I think folks are zeroing in on it.
  2. I like that, but no.
  3. hugemonkey

    Thanks for the "shout out" I dunno, not so sure my logic is working so good here.
  4. I understand, but the real answer fits even better .
  5. That does work but I'm looking for regular unhyphenated compound words. You got it! Sorry, that is not a compound word.
  6. Hello Wilson, you got it! Not this one, though. Am liking this one hm Thanks That's not it. An earlier guess was closer. These are fun to try and solve. Sorry, no. Thanks for the feedback, I've tried to mix the ridiculously easy with the obtuse. Sorry PG, Wilson already got #2. #3 totally fits but was not what I was thinking. I will have to give you partial credit on that one (or even bonus points!).
  7. Sorry pg, that's not it. I like that answer, and it sorta fits but that is not right. Nope. The answers will be compound words. No to all of those but you are getting close with the last two. I don't know if i'm doing it right.. but it is a really good one Thanks, but that's not it. Ah, I see now. I was wondering how you got that. Wow, a lot of good tries here, but so far only number
  8. Yes, that's it! Sorry, those are not correct.
  9. It has been a while since I have posted a riddle. These are similar to the original 1. monkeypokes 2. confirm 3. gropegrab 4. provokedsin 5. offcheer 6. mobboard 7. babyboy 8. calculatorwatchsavvy 9. bowpit 10. actfunny 11. stilltimeline 12. thatguyoration
  10. hugemonkey

    Doubtful but I'll give it a try.
  11. OK here are the final results: 1. From Blacklight - 2. A Fist - 3. Carbon Footprints - 4. Are Prints Disordered - 5. Andrew, Ivan, Rita - 6. A Canine Group - 7. Upset Escorts Mingle - 8. Opening A Chain - 9. Mourning Wood - 10. Vermont Briefly - 11. Years Gone By - 12. Uneven Fescue - got the theme.
  12. Wow. Very well written riddle. Fits the clues perfectly while still maintaining it's own internal (if mysterious) meaning.
  13. hugemonkey

    Exactly, Whether anybody believes it or not something is happening with the climate. If there is a chance that we have something to do with it then we should try to address that. Yes, it is true that humans evolved significantly over a period of climactic flux; other creatures and plants including things that we eat are not as adaptable. The US invaded Iraq at the cost of what will be $1 trillion dollars on the chance that there was WMD's. There is a far greater threat from global warming whatever its cause (although the scientific evidence is still convincing that is is real and human caused, even with this latest controversy). I haven't heard investing anywhere near this amount in the global warming problem. Why gamble? If we are wrong we risk ruining our one planet forever. The only downside that I have ever heard is that by limiting our carbon emissions we might damage our economy (read as some people won't make as much money). That is also debatable as we can make money on green technology, too, but it might not be the same people who are making money now. We should all realize by now how fleeting financial gains can be.
  14. Right on 7, right on 11 and right on the theme. It will come to you. (It's my alma mater BTW)
  15. This is what we have so far: 1. From Blacklight - 2. A Fist - 3. Carbon Footprints - 4. Are Prints Disordered - 5. Andrew, Ivan, Rita - 6. A Canine Group - 7. Upset Escorts Mingle 8. Opening A Chain 9. Mourning Wood - 10. Vermont Briefly - 11. Years Gone By 12. Uneven Fescue - Just 7, 8 & 11 left.
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