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Everything posted by flamebirde

  1. Okay, but it can only make your voice so high in pitch that no one can hear it. I wish that I may have this wish that I have just wished.
  2. flamebirde

    One Up Me

    when life hands you kittens, construct a catapult. http://megagames.firstgameworld.com/system/screenshot_bigs/1387/original/newKitten-Canons.gif
  3. for the sneeze-second person pronoun, I got sneeze-you or sneeze minus u. dunno what that means, though...
  4. I see 2 pluses, 2 () right next to each other, and 2 overs. Is it something to do with 2?
  5. flamebirde

    One Up Me

    what can possibly be worse than what it is now?
  6. flamebirde


    can you post our scores and what other achievements there were? Good game, by the way. I was trying to survive by not attacking anybody and letting everyone kill each other... kinda failed, though.
  7. there is no purpose to this question. It is merely of idle philosophical thoughts. Why do we want to learn the age of the Earth, or how people lived in Egypt during the reign of the Pharaohs?
  8. yeah, on second thought, mafia should probably wait til Christmas break or something. The bad part of it, though, is that a lot of people will be traveling. *sigh* mafia...
  9. maybe the italicized segments mean something more than the others? Also in the first line, The second part, I think that it has something to do with "new"- the only part of the old saying not allowed.
  10. the question is meant to be open ended, to provoke discussion. And it was left vague on purpose. Feel free to interpret it however you like.
  11. ore, stone, pyramid - Construction gold, food, paper-
  12. Does anyone have an idea for a new mafia, or willing to hose an Alice and Bob mafia? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Auogt-aeMgCNdDJTeHMyMTFhV29aaDdxNFZhVG54S0E&hl=en#gid=0
  13. What is your thought on the reason (or path of evolution) that brought mankind to it's current state? Why that?
  14. flamebirde

    One Up Me

    And now, you have the honor of testing this highly volatile flamethrower that has no discernible front or back!
  15. granted, but The Book is a pamphlet on how to be a good judge. I wish to be an omniscient super-god immune to everything everywhere, in addition to not being hurt (e.g. If I get hit by a bullet, it bounces off).
  16. very well then, you cause havoc around Genieville with your illogicalness (i.e. crashing into houses looking for your glasses) until finally all of the logical genies band together and banish you, stripping you of your powers. I wish for a bite-size piece of cheese that is edible and tasty, and will not harm me or cause harm (physical or otherwise) to anyone that I like, which is everybody in the world except those who rob and break into peoples houses and murderers.
  17. you're not crazy; merely awesome.
  18. I wish for 10 tons of solid gold to appear in my backyard(real gold, as in element 79 in the periodic table as of 2012) that is redeemable as of right now and forever.
  19. flamebirde


    well, I guess we'll try. or you guys will.
  20. http://articles.latimes.com/2012/sep/08/business/la-fi-get-thin-lawsuit-20120908 The lady wanted some kind of weight-loss surgery and sued them after it went wrong and doctors were forced to remove her stomach. Seems to fit your requirements.
  21. Fine, but the bumper sticker peeled off because you went too fast. I wish that I am (now and forever) and omniscient all powerful god.
  22. flamebirde


    The chances of that is minimal. Both because I will probably die very soon and because you were plotting to kill me.
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