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Posts posted by TheCube

  1. True. Ok MUTED. The R isn't proven because of TILED and is 1 and RILED is 1. The THIRD has 0 so the D isn't it in RULED. if 2 then it is ?u?e? because the E is still in RILED TILED and RULED, but if 0 it would be ?ul?? because the L is in the three I named as well.

  2. DROPOUT if 1, ????O??. If 0, ?????W?.

    WINDOWS - 1

    TELLERS - 0

    WANTERS - 0

    FELLOWS - 0 the F and 2nd L replace the W and D and is zero so they can't be in their positions they are in WINDOWS

    That leaves the O and W.

    If 0 it would be because the O and W is left so W is missing and is in the mystery word. If one, it would be because the O is in there and the O and W is left. and O would be the same.

  3. that would be cool, but if he can see the future, then why didnt the he know about it. the only other thing i was thinking of is to make it of a false event. not 9/11. if you make it about something that never happened, you can be more creative with the story. but yeah.

    I dunno maybe that was the way he was suppose to die and he was just told that something bad would happen. He expects himself to die early instead of people to mistrust him and live his last few months in misery and no one to believe him.

  4. I chose other. I want the ability to tell the future. I will see when my parents/boss is gonna scream at me. I'm thinking of making a book about it.

    Think about it:

    In 1995, a kid in the City that Never Sleeps is given the power to tell the future before he learns he will die in 6 years. Less than one year before he is suppose to die, a plane is coming close to the World Trade Center and destroys it. He hasn't been told about this. Everyone distrust him then. Then an evil scientist decides that this would be the perfect time to sell his secrets to the government.

    Wouldn't that make a good book?

  5. I did. All I found was stuff about marine biology and I thought I remembered jatek from a FB chat it was spanish. Btw you didn't offend me.

    German, Manatee Eats a Human!(I have no clue. That's why I hate technology mostly. They give us overloads. Even Bing does that!)

  6. If you have been following the other ROLLO games (ROLLO, SIXY ROLLO, and SEVENY ROLLO (?)), then this will be easier to explain. If not, see the rules

    They are like those except there will be four letters instead of five.

    Assuming that you are familiar with the rules, let's begin. I will be keeping score and will give the scores for each person after a game is finished.


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