As to why logging companies cut down everything in an area? It is the easiest and cheapest means to get the job down. If they own the land then I suppose they would turn into a tree farm. I do not see how a tree farm could support a good ecosystem. But if the companies can be limited to where they own the land...
Who would sell the land to them? If no one lives there then who would own it to sell it? Would it be divided up in advance?
Currently in Florida the Casey Anthony trial is big in the news. If parents are willing to kill their children what makes you think they wouldn't put them to work or sell them? Just imagine how adoptions could work without laws. Too young or poor to take care of your child? Sell them for cash!
As for prostitution, I'm thinking more of the well being of the women involved. Then again if everyone in this society is a good person then there would be no need to worry about pimps or mistreatment.
Actually if everyone was a good person then we wouldn't even need all the laws we have now because people would do what they should naturally.
How can you imagine there wouldn't be contracts for everything since that is what will replace laws. If there are no Federal or State laws then I'm fairly sure a business will make you sign a contract to buy from them. The contract would at least cover consequences of shop lifting, store rules and liability. Since mediation could be expensive the business can cut down on cases buy making their laws and requiring you to agree to them before shopping there. I would also imagine that some businesses would require you to agree to using their DRO issue resolution.
UtF, the only way I can see this DRO idea working is if human nature was completely changed. People would have to naturally do the "right" thing. Greed at least would have to be mostly eliminated.