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Everything posted by curr3nt

  1. curr3nt

    Sixy Rollo

    DADGUM I know it is slang but just thought it was funny when I came up in my list as a possibility.
  2. CARE - If 1 then C--- beacuse -ARE = 0 = HARE HERE - If 1 then -E-- because H-RE = 0 = HARE FINE - If 1 then --N- because FI-E = 0 = FIRE HART - If 1 then ---T because HAR- = 0 = HARE Wheee!
  3. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    ILK NOR - 0 PLY - 1 PAY - 0 ELF - 1 ALE - 1 ILK +5 JDave, +10 Wombat
  4. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    ?L? NOR - 0 PLY - 1 PAY - 0 ELF - 1 ALE - 1 +5 JDave
  5. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    ?L? NOR - 0 PLY - 1 PAY - 0 ELF - 1 +5 JDave
  6. Wait...if you do not have to pay for a DRO then who would pay for it?
  7. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    ??? NOR - 0 PLY - 1
  8. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    Three letter word! ???
  9. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    QUOTH the raven, nevermore.
  10. curr3nt


    MAYBE there is no solution...
  11. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    I think you are a real FUNGI (fun guy)
  12. curr3nt

    Xxxx Rollo

    Do you like Hawaiian PUNCH?
  13. I'm not totally opposed to your idea of DROs. I think if set up right they might work in the business sector to cut down on the crazy litigation we have now. I just do not see how they can be the sole solution. I'm more against the stateless society part. You still haven't convinced me that DRO alone would be able to cover everything I believe we need for a stable society. If anything I believe a separate state would be required to balance against the DRO to keep them honest. ----- I also do not see how paying for the DRO wouldn't be considered a tax too. Since you have to belong to at least one to function in your society.
  14. As to why logging companies cut down everything in an area? It is the easiest and cheapest means to get the job down. If they own the land then I suppose they would turn into a tree farm. I do not see how a tree farm could support a good ecosystem. But if the companies can be limited to where they own the land... Who would sell the land to them? If no one lives there then who would own it to sell it? Would it be divided up in advance? ----- Currently in Florida the Casey Anthony trial is big in the news. If parents are willing to kill their children what makes you think they wouldn't put them to work or sell them? Just imagine how adoptions could work without laws. Too young or poor to take care of your child? Sell them for cash! As for prostitution, I'm thinking more of the well being of the women involved. Then again if everyone in this society is a good person then there would be no need to worry about pimps or mistreatment. Actually if everyone was a good person then we wouldn't even need all the laws we have now because people would do what they should naturally. ----- How can you imagine there wouldn't be contracts for everything since that is what will replace laws. If there are no Federal or State laws then I'm fairly sure a business will make you sign a contract to buy from them. The contract would at least cover consequences of shop lifting, store rules and liability. Since mediation could be expensive the business can cut down on cases buy making their laws and requiring you to agree to them before shopping there. I would also imagine that some businesses would require you to agree to using their DRO issue resolution. ----- UtF, the only way I can see this DRO idea working is if human nature was completely changed. People would have to naturally do the "right" thing. Greed at least would have to be mostly eliminated.
  15. curr3nt

    Not without there being dire changes in what you know as recent history.
  16. curr3nt

    My time keeping device is a Tardis.
  17. Wait...no government so no laws. How could a FDA or EPA function? You would have to have a contract with your restaurant or grocer that the food is real and relatively healthy. You would have to have a contract with someone and agree with the business for inspections. Nothing to stop oil drilling or at least pretend it is safe. Nothing to stop over logging or over hunting a species. No child labor or minimum wage laws unless you had a contract with businesses that included them. You would have to have a contract with a retail store to shop there and likely a contract to buy anything to agree upon coverage if there are any issues. And that is just from the point of view of the individual. Can you imagine how many contracts a business like Wal-Mart would have to maintain? --- I suppose DUI laws would exist in road use contracts which means road businesses would have to include enforcement. Anyone that wanted to drive would have to read, sign and keep up to date on current laws (since there would likely be a clause about new laws) for any road system they wanted to use. No illegal drugs unless Home Owner Associations or Apartments included those in their contracts. Each organization would have to maintain their own set of laws for everything. No prostitution laws. That could get messy without regulation. Are kids assigned a DRO since they are too young to understand a contract? Who picks and pays for the DRO and makes sure it is actually working for the kids interest? If parents pick and pay for the DRO what is to stop them from selling their kids into slavery?
  18. curr3nt

    ...it's Sunday here 1:54AM.
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