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Status Updates posted by Akriti

  1. Many many happy returns of the day.

  2. Can we just see you on MM right now!!

  3. Most horrible nightmare...................... "I can't access Mafia Maniac " *frantic*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Akriti


      My nightmare came true. :`(

      Me and my big mouth *sigh*

    3. EDM


      Relax, Aki....*hug*

    4. Auramyna


      Answer = Go to the library or the uni. My electricity went off once and I drove half an hour to get to internet just to get on MafiaManiac. Stupidly, I hadn't put in my Night actions yet.

  4. Happy b'day!!!!!!!!

  5. Hey Peace!

    I was just wondering if you remembered your list of actions as a baddie in Harry Potter I Mafia.

  6. ok, EDIT for last one have am

  7. I guess I have drifted away to MM. :P

  8. Actually, comments don't show up without my approval. I have approved your comment, though.

  9. Happy b'day!!!!

  10. thanx........... :million hugs:

  11. Hmmm........... still angry? :puppy face:

  12. Hey! listen. I had admitted in my last comment that I said so bcoz I was driven by the emotional stride. Let's leave that topic to the side.

    Come on, I don't wanna lose a friend like you just for the sake of a stupid comment.Remember, I will always find a friend in you even if you don't consider me as your friend. Sorry, again.

  13. hey, just to tell you that I never asked anyone to rep me uselessly. I guess, i was driven away by the emotional stride. So, I said so. Sorry!!!

  14. Hey, peace! Watzz up? Wanna chat? I am bored........

  15. Everyone can call me Aki, everyone does so. Trend started by EDM.

  16. I completed the "digital fortress" today!!! Loved it!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yodell


      told u you would not be able to let it out of you hand :)

    3. unreality


      love that book! all the twists and turns... as far as dan brown books go, it's one of the less formulaic and more interesting I feel

  17. Hey! would you like to join Trainer's manuaal mafia III, many have dropped out just when the game was about to start.

  18. Comments on my profile doesn't show without my consent or approval. Well, to add anyone as friend, you have to just go to anyone's profile and then under their profile pic you will get the option, "add me as friend" click on it. Or you can see an icon under anyone's post. Click on the "add as friend" icon.

  19. I guess since Hirkala, our host for Trainer's manual mafia III, is a little busy, and there has been a long time since the signups, so, we will go to a round of confirmation.


    (Copy the address and paste in the address bar. Hope to see you confirmed there) :)

  20. I guess since Hirkala, our host for Trainer's manual mafia III, is a little busy, and there has been a long time since the signups, so, we will go to a round of confirmation.


    (Copy the address and paste in the address bar. Hope to see you confirmed there) :)

  21. I guess since Hirkala, our host for Trainer's manual mafia III, is a little busy, and there has been a long time since the signups, so, we will go to a round of confirmation.


    (Copy the address and paste in the address bar. Hope to see you confirmed there) :)

  22. Hey, welcome to BD. Hope you have fun here.

  23. I can't believe it. I turned GREEN!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. peace*out


      so you went from being the devil to the wicked witch of the west..

      hahaha! :D

    3. Akriti


      Ha Ha HA ....................

    4. EDM


      Some are just mean...or they make mistakes....that can happen....:P

  24. I bought two novels today - "The digital fortress" and "The angels and demons" by Dan Brown.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Yodell


      @MM : did u read "Deception Point" ? or "The DaVinci Code" ?

    3. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      Yes and yes. Neither were as good as Angels and Demons which, in turn, wasn't as good as Digital Fortress. They just weren't really my cup of tea.

    4. Akriti


      I am half the way to digital fortress.

  25. Well, Aaryan, Sign ups are not ready now. But they will start I will add you tell you about it. You don't mind my putting your name, right? If you do then I will tell you, then you sign up yourself. But I am always at anybody's disposal.

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