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Everything posted by Anon26

  1. Also wanna add, My non usage of smileys may make my post sound a bit tooooo serious. It isnt really.
  2. @Hidden G: Me and MoMa are currently hosting/cohosting TMM5, Are relation are perfectly fine, if you are indicating that way.
  3. @Akriti: No fight will happen. Rest assured. BTW this is called discussion. @curr3nt: I share your interest. @MoMa: am waiting,
  4. Just posting to bring it up again, had almost made it to page 2.
  5. Ok I change my statement a bit. I earliar mentioned, we spared you on D2. Actually to spare you, it was for the good of goodies. Your wincon was to goodies favour. So we could have used the earliar part of your wincon, and dump you, when you get too close. Goodies would never go for you, in D2. You were a protection. A meat shield. Had you helped baddies, you wouldnt have crept near your wincon, as you did with us. It was'nt feasible. It was too natural you helped us. Too natural for some of us, to feel gratified, too natural for some, to think tie as "good". It was too natural. Think for a moment. Would you have ever helped the baddies? Never!
  6. Anon26

    One Up Me

    "I have seen the light", the cockroach boasted.
  7. I think, till now I am pretty successful in CONSOLIDATING my posts.
  8. Anon26

    Bringing my poem posted in "One me up" thread, to its rightful place. THe Rich Man There is no man as rich, as a the man up the Bree. Rich man he is they say, rich man, he must then be. He got a car of glittering gray. They say it came from over the sea ten or more he have, they say, rich man, he must then be. In politics he got a heresay, and knows everything that is to be. Influential man he is they say, rich man, he must then be. A large mansion here lay, they say it belongs to he, one in every state, they say rich man he must then be. ~~~ His daughter ran away, one night with a man she, poor man he is, I say poor man he must then be. He fainted one or twice. They say stress it was on he, weak man he is, I say, poor man he must then be. Got a uncurable disease one day, no wealth could evade the death to be. Helpless man he is, I say. Poor man he must then be. Of all the mansions he ever owned 6 ft of land was all he needed, to rest the coffin to the final home, to the truth, if he had heeded. There was no man as rich as the poor man that lived in Bree, got mansions, but was not content, poor man he must then be.
  9. I have mentioned earliar, and am still repeating: 1. Taz had no choice but to help the goodies, or he did have been lynch on D2. 2. Goodies aim was to achieve their wincon 3. Indies aim was to achieve his wincon. 4. Indies wincon was to the advantage of goodies (to an extent) 5. When Molly helped goodies, he was also fulfilling his wincon. 6. And hence, to see Molly win, after we goodies spared him on D2 on his promise to help, is a bit too absurd.
  10. As Leslie freed herself, a thought came to her, "A scissor? and that too in a room where I was kidnapped?" she questioned herself, "almost like if someone wanted me to escape" But then again, the unobservant nature of the Shopowner could have got better of him. If she was still in the shop's store house She gripped the scissor in her small hands, not much of self defence, but at least it was better then being bare handed. She looked at the boxes stacked up roughly on one corner of the wall. "Maybe the scissor were intended for them" it struck her. She ignored the shelf for now and headed to the stacked up boxes. some opened, some half opened. some sealed. There were smaller boxes as well, of various toys, littered around. "Barbie doll" she bowed down to pick one package up, "Maybe I am still at the giftshop". She opened one sealed big box with the scissors, and inside it were packages of various toys. A red coloured remote controlled car, a train set etc... She suddenly had an urge to open another box. Maybe because of her age she was attracted to the toys, maybe it was her intuitive part that was yet to be fully awakened, or might be her detective instinct that would one day make her famous. Whatever it was, she opened it. Inside were packages, but filled with a white powdered substance. Too young to know what drug are, she glanced around the room again. to see... what to do next, the importance of her latest discovery wasnt too oblivious to her...
  11. Anon26

    And I just meant to tell you that I have been playing from before you and have still to experience a goodie power role. So I am worse off then you.
  12. So fake claim by MoMa of possible winnning in N3. which makes me feel not so guilty of backstabbing.
  13. Anon26

    Cube, you ought to be grateful, See me: 1st Mafia Game: Vanilla (TMM2) 2nd Mafia Game: Vanilla (HP2) 3rd Mafia Game: Baddy (TMM4) 4th Mafia Game: Vanilla (I dont count taking two to kill as an action.) And you know, whose behind this all?
  14. Anon26

    One Up Me

    How about we revert to voting by likes/dislike. But we should make a rule of liking and disliking only two posts each (total 4) This would avoid tie. ideas?
  15. I really appreciate curr3nt and Araver for wonderful night/day posts
  16. I think these reason enought would satisfy you of my UNCONSOLIDATED style of posting.
  17. ALso wanna add, that I get feel so lonely after no one replied to my post after 2 min of it posting, that I began think it is my moral obligation to post after it. Else it did be an injustice to the post.(and the poster)
  18. Also I noticed that people tend not to read one long post, and rather three smaller ones.
  19. I dont get all the ideas at once, it always happen after I have written and clicked on post, I remember something new, and then process is repeated until...
  20. Maurice, did you forgot?
  21. Young Leslie hopped, crawled, and did whatever she could to reach to the Shelf tied. There were various stuff in various shelves. As she rummaged through them, her hand felt something metallic. She unearthed the thing buried under the mere knick knacks by her tied hands, and behold! "A scissor!" Leslie cried out in her cute voice, "too good to be true" she completed. and without wasting a moment, busied herself in cutting the bonds of ropes. It wasnt easy still, to cut the ropes with tied hand, but she did it. Now free of the ropes, she looked around. The bunny keychain, a key evidence to take care of. There can also be something among the cardboard boxes and other stuff. There can also be much more 'usefuller' things in the shelf. And there might be something beyond the door as well. What does she do?
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