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Molly Mae

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Posts posted by Molly Mae

  1. beat?

    Sorry, PG.

    I've got an edit/rewrite below. Trying to test the line of "too much information." =P

    Three are we,

    With watch near,

    Gray than black

    Wise man's fear.

    An easy mark

    Is slowly slain

    And quickly bound

    By constant pain.

    Our name we do share

    With yet another three,

    But a hundred-some more

    Attempt mimicry.

  2. I was thinking, if you thought Jail was a metaphor...then the story of the virgin mary would fit as well. The crime they supposedly committed did not actually take place (i.e. premarital sex), there was no room at the inn, so they had to stay in the manger. Back in the day...it was certainly back in the day. idk, what does everyone think.

    A lot of riddles can be interpreted through ambiguity. It depends on how far you (the riddle reader) want to push the metaphor. Granted, I'm sure there is no clear line between what was intended and what you can make fit; but I'm sure there can be an area where a majority will rule that a metaphor is too far fetched or lacking substance.

    But that's one of the beauties of riddling.

  3. a barcode on products.....???

    as in expect to need others, how 'bout oil?

    Again, no to both.

    hey Mollie Mae - lovely new riddle. as to the vagueness obviously only you can know but if I could suggest giving us a go as is for a bit? these folks here are sharp. take EDM's and the other answers above for example, very clever. anyway, rewrites/added verses vs hints at some point are the way to go imho.

    I am leaving it as it is for now. I do agree with your opinion on hints, as well. =P

    EDIT: Gibberish at the bottom...

  4. For the record, as anyone in this BTSC are privy to this information, N1 actions revealed the below information.

    GROVER: no one was targeted that wasn't killed, and you know who the people who were killed are.

    Anna: you learned that AG was guessing that slick was percy.

    I can forward a summary of our BTSC, as well.

    EDIT: Colour.

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