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Status Updates posted by tiger_lily111

  1. House ownership: a never-ending series of projects.

  2. Girlfriends in San Francisco for the weekend! Time to play ... ;)

  3. Hiya back! ;) How's your summer holiday going?

  4. Planning a girls' weekend in the City ... one week away! =)

  5. Do hope you have a very enjoyable birthday Slick! Cheers! =)

  6. LOVE my profession! Came away with 3 tote bags full of free food "stuff" ... most of which I couldn't transport back, but the cousins & in-laws will very much enjoy them! ;)

  7. Heading to Chicago for shenanigans with cousins! (Oh yeah, & that huge food science convention.) :D

  8. Computer death & phone that isn't Den-friendly (silly thing won't let me see inside spoilers or reply) means I'm away for a few more days. *sigh*

  9. Made the super-awesome pickles for the July 4 BBQ. & the peasants rejoiced!

  10. Spending too much time playing with my new toy - got a Nook for travelling. =)

  11. For those stopping by with birthday wishes, I thank you. =)

  12. Hooray! Finally done with school & get to enjoy your summer? Hope you're doing well! =)

  13. Dumbest thing I read on a message board today: Soy lecithin is yet another name for MSG. The FDA lets food manufacturers name MSG pretty much whatever they want to hide the fact it's in food. --> Completely & utterly WRONG.

  14. is slightly amused that everything still reads 'IPBoard' instead of BrainDen as of 1:53 AM PDT Jun 19 ...

    1. tiger_lily111


      And on Tues June 22, there is blank blue ...

  15. hearts Timmy Howard! Go U.S.A.!

  16. Happy birthday wishes! =)

  17. Happy birthday wishes! =)

  18. Do hope you have an amazingly great birthday! =)

  19. I'm not a singer, but happy birthday wishes anyway. =)

  20. Hope you have a fantabulous birthday! =)

  21. Hope you've had a wonderful birthday! =)

  22. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!! =)

  23. & now hope the actual date-of-birth-anniversary is also fabulous! ;) (& that you're still enjoying the iPod)

  24. Hope your birthday was splendiferously wonderful!

  25. Been out a few days, but wanted to say congrats on 1k posts! ;)

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