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Everything posted by Gmaster479

  1. Gmaster479


    shuffle: xxxxxxx Very good job Wilsonsmum. Who is doing number 92?
  2. Gmaster479


    flaming: oo mustard: o ketchup: ooo burgers: ooo cereals: xoo scooter: xo puckers: ooo organza: _ murders: oo zooming: _ scuffle: xxxxxx snuffle: xxxxxx Not too many choices left
  3. Gmaster479


    flaming: oo mustard: o ketchup: ooo burgers: ooo cereals: xoo scooter: xo puckers: ooo organza: _ murders: oo zooming: _ scuffle: xxxxxx Very close
  4. Gmaster479


    flaming: oo mustard: o ketchup: ooo burgers: ooo cereals: xoo scooter: xo puckers: ooo organza: _ murders: oo zooming: _
  5. Nazsh, the old rules don't matter it is whatever rule you want it to be so long as it isn't a repeat of a rule from before. Do you like CANOEING
  6. Gmaster479


    flaming: oo mustard: o ketchup: ooo burgers: ooo cereals: xoo scooter: xo
  7. Gmaster479


    Alright, I promise not to blank out again and completely forget that I'm running one of these. 7 letters
  8. Gmaster479

    The way I see it is, you are trying to find a riddle or game or something on this site. Maybe have someone post a list in a spoiler of riddles or clues to get to different posts on this site. The first one to find it and get there gets a point and whoever has the most points win. Either that or its trying to find only one specific place but I'm not sure how that would be fun
  9. Gmaster479


    That was going to be my word from b4
  10. Gmaster479


    Brandonb, thank you for taking over. I don't mind at all I just completely forgot after I left a couple days ago. Charters
  11. Gmaster479


    Fine if no one else will start it, I've got Masterword #89 8 letters
  12. Gmaster479

    Who would run it if he doesn't come back?
  13. Gmaster479


    master: oo pizzas: x mounds: o distal: xo tartar: x libyan: xo kratos: o lethal: o wicked: xoo friend: oooo jerkin: xxo infect: oo birdie: xxxxxx Congrats WilsonsMum! Up for Masterword #88? Maybe it is too late?
  14. Gmaster479


    master: oo pizzas: x mounds: o distal: xo tartar: x libyan: xo kratos: o lethal: o wicked: xoo friend: oooo jerkin: xxo Lethal is correct. May I ask what word made you think lethal was incorrect?
  15. Gmaster479


    Thank you Wilsonsmum
  16. Gmaster479


    master: oo pizzas: x mounds: o distal: xo tartar: x libyan: xo kratos: o lethal: o wicked: xoo friend: oooo
  17. Thank you Captain Ed. And you are correct, I don't like any word that ends in a vowel. It was very difficult to think of words that ended in vowels for my examples but that is what made it fun. Feel free to take the next one unless you would like to let someone else try
  18. Gmaster479


    master: oo pizzas: x mounds: o distal: xo tartar: x libyan: xo kratos: o lethal: o wicked: xoo
  19. Gmaster479


    master: oo pizzas: x mounds: o distal: xo tartar: x libyan: xo kratos: o clubman: 7 letters lethal: o
  20. Gmaster479


    master: oo pizzas: x mounds: o distal: xo tartar: x libyan: xo kratos: o Edit: changed libyan (I need to get some food so I actually get these right )
  21. Gmaster479


    master: oo pizzas: x mounds: o distal: xo tartar: x libyan: x
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