Night 4 - Game Over
Beyond the walls of Denzian High, a riot was occurring. Parents, Policemen and various members of the town had been attempting to get into the school, desperately trying to get information for the past few days. However it had been to no avail. Answers were needed from this horrible test of the power of empowered nerds, and the nerds were ready to fail them all. They had hid and planned and concocted a brilliant scheme and they were ready to finally unleash it.
The Alpha Nerd didn't waste any time with his final kill, he came flying at the VERY drunk slick and killed him with a rusty old cafeteria knife. As Derrai tried to run away, the alpha nerd grabbed him, slit his throat and trapped him to ensure an easy lynching later of Marth2, but knowing that it was unnecessary to wait, they simply took out their technologically sound smart bomb and sent it straight at Marth2 blowing his blonde wig right off. Either way they had everything done, they owned the school. With that, they decided to make known their victory.
They unlocked the door closest to the football field only and snuck out under the dark of night. With nothing more than a remote control, they made their way to the football field. They then used that remote control to control the Alpha Nerd's helicopter made of useless scraps they had collected and it dumped a keg of gasoline onto the football field, followed quickly by a torch. The people outside of the school building heard the thud of the keg and they were able to turn their heads just in time to see the million dollar football facility go up in flames. They were all aghast and tried to open the school doors, but only that one door was open, and that was where the only living member left inside the school went.
DarthNoob heard the sound of the door unlocking. He knew that this was his only chance of escaping to deliver the QB's playlist that he had. He ran out the door and ran as fast as he could for 5 miles to West Denzian High where the Trojans were having their pep rally before the big game that was supposed to happen the next night. DarthNoob ran in and screamed for everyone to come outside. They all scrambled out of the gymnasium to see a football stadium in the distance up in flames and a helicopter floating above it. DarthNoob ran up to the coach and gave him the QB wrist with all the plays and with that the little spy that could was lifted up onto everyone's shoulders so he could see the demise of the football program and the nerds final demands.
"Concerned Parents, administrators, authority figures and various others!" screamed tpaxatb through a megaphone on the helicopter. "If you ever want to see the bodies of your deranged and retarded children, you will meet all of our demands!
"First, this school will from now on only recruit the brightest students, no public students, no nothing. They can all go to West Denzian." said DudleyDude. "Secondly, there will be no sports and no after school activities that aren't called chess club, which everyone will be a part of."
"Lastly, this new school will only hire the finest educators and make school 14 hours long each day. Is everyone in agreement?" said tpaxatb?
With no other choice, the people submitted to the demands and the school was cleaned of the dead bodies. There would never be a Friday Night Football game ever again at Denzian High, and West Denzian would be 5 time state champs thanks to their new recruits that aren't going to Denzian High anymore.
Host: Principal G
1. Mrs. P - QB
2. Clozo! - Theatre Student
3. akaslickster - School Drunk
4. Riranor - Gamma Nerd
5. RainThinker/Marth2 - Cheerleader
6. crazypainter - DL
7. DudleyDude - Beta Nerd
8. Marth - Bully
9. DarthNoob - Trojan Spy
10. tpaxatb - Alpha Nerd
11. Derrai - Goth
12. scsw - School President
Edit: HSM 3 to come starting next semester (January '10 probably) and action lists will be posted later