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Posts posted by Pickett

  1. While exploring the wild highlands of Scotland, Crazy Rob was captured by hostile wood fairies.

    Smazze, the powerful chief of the fairies told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die.

    If the statement he made was false, he would be boiled in water.

    If the statement were true, he would be fried in oil.

    Crazy Rob found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation.

    What is the one statement he could make to save himself? :(

    I know the answer, but I won't post it (there is actually more than one answer to this one...)

    I also think this riddle may have already been posted on this site before, so this one may get locked...just a head's up...

  2. If we truly have to 'connect the dots' going in the direction I mentioned. I get

    S (or 5)

    The second example would be C

    But I could be wrong. :)

    I noticed in the second example, using the lower right corner - i could do 1 - 7 starting at upper right box and ending at lower right box - traveling around like the shape of the C.

    Other than that, I see there is a zero in the same location. In the second example, many of the boxes still contain a lot of the same numbers and many of those are in the sample places even.

    I also tried converting the numbers to letters to see if there were any words - didn't really see anything that made sense.

    Is there anybody else looking at this????

    You are getting "close" tbrophy...the answer to his original post is "SYMPHONIC"...you're close...that's all I have to say...The second post he put up is related to that...

    Spoiler for #2 if you want to see it:

  3. Alright, I'll do another WAI...I tend to make mine a little longer...so that may make this one pretty easy. Not sure:

    I'm the epitomy of greatness,

    Nothing else can compare.

    I'm a wonder to behold,

    often seen in a pair.

    I was born in Missouri

    But I've since travelled far,

    I've gone by boat and plane

    and truck, train, and car.

    I was shunned from society

    when I was just a teen

    I'm older and experienced now

    As I'm sure you have seen

    I'm the creator of music

    I'm a designer and artist.

    But these you most likely

    Were sure to have missed.

    Many are my parts

    But from one I have come

    Answer Who or what am I?

    And this riddle is done.

  4. I disagree with Pickett

    "but if it's "pair of underwear" it would be $75..."

    "pair of underwear" is to "a vest" as $45 is to $20

    Because it said "A PAIR OF UNDERWEAR"...so really is like "A VEST"...so, you would ignore the "A" and that leaves "PAIR OF UNDERWEAR"...and then I ignored spaces when calculating...

    "A pair of underwear" is to "a vest" as $75 is to $20

  5. There is a clothing store in Bartlesville. The owner has devised his own method of pricing items. A vest costs $20, socks cost $25, a tie costs $15 and a blouse costs $30. Using the method, how much would a pair of underwear cost?

    if it's "Underwear" he's selling, it would be $45...but if it's "pair of underwear" it would be $75...

  6. what is the function of the "!" operator used in answer


    is it not equal to operator?

    In mathematics "!" means "factorial"...in programming languages it is often used to mean "not", so that may be where your confusion is coming in...also, I agree, in the way it was posted it looks like they are saying "NOT EQUAL"...but it should be written (1 + 1 + 1)! = 6...or even slightly more separated ((1 + 1 + 1)!) = 6

    Basically n! means n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * ... * 2 * 1

    So, for example:

    1! = 1 = 1

    2! = 2 * 1 = 2

    3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6

    4! = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24

    5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120

    6! = 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 720


    make sense?

    So, the answer posted (1 + 1 + 1)! = 3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6...which is a correct/valid solution.

  7. ;) We're not done with Clue 4 yet. Read it again and think about all the themes that's been used so far - they're all ciphers.

    I don't think the result of the vigenere cipher is a Caesar cipher like I originally thought...because here's all of the Caeser ciphers for the result:


























    and none of those seem to make any sense...so, maybe we have to do something between the vigenere and Caesar ciphers...

  8. Its the juxtaposition of two words.

    As I check now, I see that it is listed [only] in Wikipedia, and, worse, it's a proper noun. :blush:

    That's what happens when you make these puzzles at 3 in the morning. My bad.

    The good news is that the E-word is kosher.

    Spoiler for Further clue:

    The name of an Italian airline


  9. I, for the life of me, can't find a 7 letter word, starting with "W", that contains a "J"...except for "wiltjas" and "wejacks"...and both of those are plural...and even if plural was allowed, they don't work with the grid! hm....

  10. His plan was to poison the drinking water. But everybody is drinking out of beer/liquor bottles cause its a party!

    But the funeral answer is probably right. I second that one.

    Not very tactful if everyone was drunk at a funeral...but, I guess that may just be me...I guess the irish variety does help with this :-) ...so that may be the answer...some other answers could be:

    it was a policeman's ball...obviously the assassinator isn't going to try to assassinate someone at a policeman's ball...

    his target died some other way AT the party (so technically the assassination did NOT occur)...

    the person he was supposed to assassinate was not AT the party...

    the assassinator got caught up in the party, got drunk with everyone else and forgot to assassinate his target...

    ...he's a horrible assassinator and just didn't assassinate the guy (maybe he missed with his gun, forgot the poison, whatever...)

  11. Deprecated, some might call me,

    Or something you no longer need to know,

    But they're all wrong, I must just not

    Be quite their Cup 'O Joe!

    My children feel insulted,

    They yell out "I object!" with a snarl,

    I wish I could do something

    But my problems have always been terminal.

    And that is why I soon may die-

    there is hope, however, you see,

    For I may soon be working for

    Another big, huge company!

    Edit: removed typo (big was bg)

    What am I?

    I am going to go with

    Sun Microsystems and/or Java programming language...

    Cup O Joe would be Coffee...which is Java...And some people (particularly microsoft/C# developers don't like Java and think it's old and out of date...but it's actually still one of the biggest (I think it still is the most used) languages

    Sun is looking to be bought by another company, and right now they are looking at IBM to purchase them...so that would be a much bigger company...

  12. it's was a boring day for you, when you've decided to go for a walk. you went to the park, and you found a dollar bill in the swings, the parking lot, in front of the vending machine, beside the fountain, and below the chair you sat on.. making it a total of 5 dollars.. as you walk home, you happen to see an ice cream vendor.. the ice cream you wanted cost 3 dollars and 5 cents....

    how much would be your change... ?? -_-

    I'm going to go with the obvious answer of 95 cents...since you found the 5 dollars in all one dollar bills, you would most likely pay with 4 one dollar bills...which would mean you'd bet 95 cents back as change...

  13. Well, this one was started about 5 minutes before I left for work...so I didn't really have a chance to work on it...but I know the pattern, so, I think I might try to contribute a bit today...



  14. C, F, P Yes.

    inzuri, L Yes.

    Well, as patterns go, it's not great, but ... hard to find 26 words that conform to a lot of constraint ... ;)

    Well, this one was started about 5 minutes before I left for work...so I didn't really have a chance to work on it...but I know the pattern, so, I think I might try to contribute a bit today...


  15. Greater

    Leaves these possibilities:




    Ah, I like the G better....the last MUST be "egg" because it's the well known riddle 'I am a box without hinges, key, lock, or lid, but I hold golden treasure inside...what am I? The answer is an EGG...so, we'll go with either BLUE or GLUE (glue is probably right...)

  16. what are the words?? your mostly right, but to get it, you have to tell the words...hmmm...

    under the bestest the better of all -Bester? haha this was the one I wasn't sure about...maybe it's SECOND

    the scrap of paper of to dos -List

    not over but ____ -Under

    a well known riddle, a box w/o a key -Rubix

    so my revised guess is SLUR?

  17. Does anyone remember my 'Random Riddles'? Jiminy Cricket solved #14 by himself! I want to try another one...

    under the bestest the better of all

    the scrap of paper of to dos

    not over but ____

    a well known riddle, a box w/o a key

    i made one of the bold ones

    is it "blur"?

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